Giants Software Introduces New NPCs in FS25: What is known?
Recently, Giants Software shared new details about Farming Simulator 25, focusing on the NPC system, which for the first time brings speaking characters into the game. However, they didn't reveal all the characters, and the information was somewhat incomplete.
Now, the developers have provided much more detail. So, let's meet five new characters ready to become your loyal farm helpers.
This character has already been mentioned in previous previews. If you missed it, we recommend reading the article - First look at NPCs in FS25 and interaction features.
Grandpa Walter is a local farmer for whom farming is not just a job but a way of life. He has always been a supporter of traditional farming methods and prefers old machinery. Despite his old-school approach, Walter is ready to share helpful information. For example, he’ll tell you where to find collectible items on the map and recommend which of his friends to seek out for help. Among his acquaintances are fans of modern equipment who can talk about the benefits of the latest agricultural machinery.
Additionally, Grandpa Walter plays a central role in the collectible system on the map. Players will be able to find old farm equipment that will be displayed in a museum at the local grain elevator once it's restored. Completing tasks for Walter will not only immerse you in the atmosphere of an old farm but also help preserve the region's history.
Here are some of his dialogue lines:
“I’m doin’ this for a while now. Despite all the modernization, there are still farmers sitting on tractors, right? My own grandfather, yes I had one too, he was old-school. And I mean it in the actual definition.”
“He did everything on horseback. Plowing, sowing, getting to town, and delivering his produce to the market. As did most of the others. Horses were the backbone of it all.”
“Back then, a significant portion of his farm was about horse breeding and selling strong, healthy mares and stallions to other farmers.”
“Then, tractors became a thing. Slowly, at first. Then, more and more horses were retired from plowing duty.”
David is a reckless city guy who once decided to trade his noisy city life for a peaceful job on a farm.
David had ambitious and original business plans for the farm, including opening a spa with a "sleep on fresh hay" treatment. Although that project failed, David remains upbeat and is ready to share his experience, even if it's not always practical. He'll talk about various farming aspects and suggest some unconventional ideas that may interest experimental players.
Some of his dialogue lines you’ll hear in the game:
Sure, there are reasons for that. Growing practices so we can feed the population with huge amounts of food, for example.
“I then learned that produce for mass markets is often harvested before it is fully ripe to withstand transportation and storage, for example.”
“Refrigeration, humidity control, long periods of storage, and so on. That all of these can affect the flavor and what you can taste and smell.”
Never thought about that when I was still your common city boy. But I know now. And I appreciate what I harvest with my own hands even more now.
Katie is a young and energetic farmer who has dedicated her life to animals. She gained extensive knowledge of livestock farming by traveling and working on farms around the world. After returning home, she established her own farm and is now ready to share her expertise with beginner farmers.
Katie will help you learn more about breeding, caring for animals, and feeding them. Her stories are filled with interesting anecdotes and even jokes, so you’ll never be bored around her.
Her dialogue lines include:
Aren’t you a curious one!
When I was reading about medieval farming, I was reminded that I really loved our farm, and the country life surrounded by nature, animals, and livestock.
So I changed my major to agricultural sciences and only minored in history. Can’t escape your family's legacy sometimes, huh?
When I finished college, I traveled the world and worked on farms to see how they were doing things in other countries and cultures.
Ben, a friend of Grandpa Walter, is someone who is passionate about the latest technology. In conversations with him, players can ask questions about modern agricultural machinery and learn about its features.
Ben is ready to discuss everything—from combine performance to the specifics of working with various types of equipment. He’ll be a great source of knowledge for those who want to keep up with technological advancements.
Some of his lines include:
Sure, there are reasons for that. Growing practices so we can feed the population with huge amounts of food, for example.
I then learned that produce for mass markets is often harvested before it is fully ripe to withstand transportation and storage.
Refrigeration, humidity control, long periods of storage. All of these can affect the flavor and what you can taste and smell.
Noah is the local forester, who also works in logging. He keeps order in the forests and fights against poachers—though, sometimes, the biggest "poachers" turn out to be the players themselves.
Noah will share information about different types of trees, logging methods, and forest resource management. He'll be a valuable resource for those who want to learn forestry skills and efficiently use wood resources on the farm.
In conversations with him, you can learn a lot about forestry:
This is what some people think of me and my profession, and it fills me with emotions on the negative side. It is important to handle any forest with care and respect to leave its overall structure intact.
I just wanted to make sure that you know that my job is not to eliminate all the trees around here.
We take what we need, we replace it, and we are respectful of the forest and its inhabitants. It also helps David so he can meditate in one of its clearings.
He already got a lesson on littering in the woods. I am a bit skeptical, but I believe him when he says that it fell out of his pocket. He stays under surveillance nonetheless.
The addition of speaking NPCs in Farming Simulator 25 greatly enhances interaction and makes the game more engaging and lively. Now, players can not only complete tasks through menus but also participate in dialogues, learning more about the game world and its residents. Each character offers unique quests, which not only bring monetary rewards but also unlock new gameplay features.
It's expected that the NPC quests will be more diverse compared to previous installments, where contracts were only given through the interface.And that's it.